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Academic Transcript Policy

The University maintains in perpetuity an academic transcript of a student’s attempted coursework.


Credit Hour Policy

Each course at Adelphi University is assigned a number of credit hours, based on the traditional Carnegie Unit, as the unit of measure of the course’s level of instruction, academic rigor, and time requirements. The Office of the Provost bears responsibility for University compliance with federal and state regulations regarding credit hours, as well as compliance with the Credit Hour Policy of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.


Exam/Assignment Absence Policy

The goal of this policy is to effectively balance religious holidays observed by members of the university with the regular academic schedule and requirements of faculty and students.


Grading Policy

Adelphi utilizes a letter grading system for instructors to evaluate student competencies and course performance.


Honorary Degree Policy

Adelphi University (“University”) awards honorary degrees on a selective basis to distinguished individuals (“Candidates”) who merit special recognition for outstanding achievement or leadership in a field or activity consistent with the ideals and purposes of the University. This policy sets forth the following standards and procedures for granting honorary degrees.


Posthumous Award of Degree and Certificates Policy

Adelphi University extends sympathy and compassion to families of deceased students nearing completion of their degrees.

Privacy and Release of Student Education Records (FERPA)

Adelphi University is committed to protecting the privacy of student records and to providing notifications to students of their rights.


Reduced Course Load Policy

Depending on the nature and functional limitations of a student’s documented disability, he or she may be eligible to take less than a full time course load, as governed by this policy.

Registration Policy

Students must be officially registered at the University to be permitted to attend classes and utilize University resources.

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